Sunday 28 December 2014

Somewhere in my imagination...

"Hey, what's your dream destination??"

That seems to be a pretty easy question right? But for me, it's the toughest question in the world. Well, now you may question me, "Why??". And I have an answer for that as well.

Well, there is no place on this Earth that would satisy the demands for MY Utopia, in simpler words, my paradise. By 'no place', I don't mean the literal 'nowhere', but I mean no common place that everyone knows (for example, Coorg or Munnar). My expectations are rather different.

My dream destination is where the beauty of nature is strong enough to kill all the negativity in this world. My dream destination is there where people are given eyes that are blind to all social evils. My dream destination is there where people's tongues speak only the truth. My dream destination is there where the fragrance of equality scents the air. My dream destination is there where people and animals move hand-in-hand. My dream destination is that place where people are recognised by the beauty of their souls, not by their physical appearance. My dream destination is there where people are given all the freedom to dance, to sing, to learn, to play. My dream destination is there where there is no racism. My dream destination is there where girls and boys experience equality in all fields. My dream destination is there where there is gender equality in every walk of life. My dream destination is there where girls need not fear to go out of their houses after the clock strikes six. My dream destination is there where men protect their sisters, instead of abusing them. My dream destination is there where there are no inequalities based on religion. My dream destination is there where people strive for the progress of not just their nation,but where they strive for the progress of the world. My dream destination is there where the flowers are fresh, the air is cool and the trees are green. My dream destination is there where people 'live, and let live'. My dream destination is there, where the true scenery of 'The Blue Planet' is recognisable. My dream destination is there where certain things are not limited to people's imagination, but are there, right in front of their eyes.

My dream destination is there, where 'Somewhere in my imagination' doesn't exist.

Sunday 2 November 2014

I'm a teen...

Well, I've gone through the worst of situations. But nothing was worse than this.

[Imagine yourself to be the 'I' in this article... That helped me to enjoy composing this...]

I'm a teen. And I believe that people are  supposed to have the best times of their lives during heir teens. Teenage is the time when we go through so many changes- physical, mental and psychological. We tend to get into so many things that form a major part in shaping our future. But just today, I realised that teenage isn't even that enjoyable as I expected it to be.

Well, teenage was supposed to be the frosting of a chocolate cake for me, as I mentioned earlier. But it in turn turned out to be a point of learning the harsh truths of life.

I realised that not all friends were true ones, and all enemies were just a friend in disguise. I fell into a situation when I was despondent. I couldn't analyse what situation I was in. I couldn't differentiate between the good and the bad. The fiend in me won over my angel. I couldn't describe my situation to anyone, not beacuse I was scared, but just because I couldn't myself identify what was troubling me. Was it my friends, or was it something else?? I'm sure it wasn't something so serious as I felt it was, but something was troubling me. I'm sure it wasn't because of my friends, but some unknown force was overpowering my thinking power. I lost the trust of dear ones. I tried to rectify my mistake, but I realised my efforts weren't going to succeed so soon. It was going to take time, but I badly wished it would all get over soon.

 I lost control over my emotions. I couldn't control my tears when I slept with my head in the soft pillow next to my teddy bear. A girl loves her teddy bears, and usually gets over her feelings when she's with her little, silent, agreeable friend. But I couldn't find peace in my dolls. That time I realised even my diary could be my best friend. Even penning down my thoughts on a sheet of paper gave me a lot of peace, though not as much peace that was required to get over my sorrow. If I could do something to get over my situation, I found out that talking to a dear one was the best method. But what relief could that bring to me when I couldn't even identify the cause of my troubles. It seemed to be like Vetal, the ghost from the story Vikram-Vetal, which gave a lot of burden to Vikram by clinging on to his back. The only difference was that Vetal was identified, while the reason to my troubles was not.

This is the mere feeling of a teen. I can't actually associate it to myself, but I've seen a large number of people-teens- my friends- who've been through such a condition... And I'm sure even I'm going to go through such a situation real soon... Just imagined such a situation... And I really wish, IF I have to go through such a situation real soon, and if I AM going through such a situation now(just if I'm not yet known to it), it must get over soon.. I don't think anybody can go through this for a long time...