Wednesday 19 July 2017

X's Story

Hello! I’m X.
You know, like those businessmen you see in your textbooks?
Or that person who is rich enough to buy 63 houses in one go?
But, that isn’t who I really am.
I could be you, or you, or even you.
I could actually be any one of you.
So put yourself in somebody else’s shoes and listen
To what I have to say.
“Dear People of the World.
I’m tired and sick.
Medically, I have an excellent record, But
That’s because my illness is something beyond.
Every time you fat-shamed me
Or every time you spoke behind my back,
I listened.
Every time you mocked my passions
Or every time you changed the subject because what I spoke was ‘boring’,
I was there.
And every time you tried being my boss
Or every time you treated me like I were your slave,
I bore it all.
You see, I never had the courage to stop you.
People said I was too sweet to stand up
That I was too weak to react
That I was too voiceless to slam you on your face.
But today, that changes.
Because every time I saw my friends turn into foes,
Every time the news read ‘Suicide due to Depression’,
My patience came down.
It’s obvious, I know.
I know you saw this coming.
I know that you knew that one day I’d know that I’d have to speak up.
But have you even tried to know why?
Not superficially, but deeply.
Do you know what goes on inside?
You couldn’t.
Cuz’ neither do I. nor do they
Who you mocked for being different
Who you isolated for having a passion that did not fit them
Who stabbed you with their invisible swords.
Dear People of the World.
Many people have told you this.
Thousands have asked you to stop.
Let me add another to the requests to stop.
Well, that’s what I had to say.
My question is, what about you?
You could be on this side of the road,
Or even on the other.
We’re just separated by a huge black void.
That, ironically, isn’t empty.
It’s your choice which side you want to be on.
It’s your choice to where you wanna go.
Until you take your decision,
Let this ring in your mind