Saturday 11 July 2015

Are We Doing The Right Thing?

Hey, human! How's life? - That's like a question you come across every single day. Now, let me ask you a question- Hey, human! What right thing did you do?- Answer this question. Not easy, is it? Well, so that's what this blog is about.

You might keep a record of who helped you and how many times, don't you? But do you ever keep a record of how many times you have helped someone? Forget counting, do you even remember the last time you helped someone? By helping, I don't mean something like lending your pencil or something of that sort, but instead I mean something like giving the needy shelter, or giving a lone pup a loving home. That time wasn't somewhere in the recent past, was it?

Well, that is exactly how today's world is. We expect others to help us when we're in need, but in reality, we just turn a cold shoulder to others. As the most superior species in this huge world, are we doing the right thing? Are we actually ignoring the caste system and treating the poor as one among us? Are we whole-heartedly feeding the poor or doing it just out of sympathy? Are we truly working to make our society free of the Devils that exist among us? Are we really making efforts to establish ourselves as good persons and not just 'people with degrees and reputation'?

The harsh truth is, NO! We aren't doing anything right! We use social media as a means of entertainment, and not a medium for social service. In my opinion, when it is called 'social' media, it should be used for social service along with 'socialising' with our friends. Considering today's world, the population of people reading their feeds on social networks is over thousands times more than those who feed their brains through newspapers. Talking of social media, I have noticed that people think they're 'great' if they 'like' or 'share' any sort of 'like and share to donate ___' types of posts. Even in such cases, we do this ONLY for humans. Have you ever thought of those creatures who cannot speak? Has your social media ever talked about animals in the same way they talk about humans? NO.

It's high time we think of a change! Forget thinking, BRING a change! Let's see- Question yourselves every day- Am I doing the right thing? Believe me, that's going to definitely change this world, provided everyone not only thinks of it, but even thinks of executing it!! Come on, let's do the right thing!!

Friday 3 July 2015

Are you a leader?

"I thank everyone for choosing me as their leader"

Before you start probing on who said that quote, let me tell you- it was framed by no one. Just a random thing I picked up from a corner of my brain. So yea, let me start directly with what I want to ask you- Who, according to you, is a leader? defines the word 'leader' as 'a person or thing that leads' or 'a guiding or directing head, as of an army, movement, or political group'. In simpler terms, a leader is the one who leads you. A leader is someone who represents you. A leader is someone who knows how to be a leader, isn't it? In today's world, leaders are being chosen by power, money and recognition. But did you know, that there's a leader inside YOU? This might seem like a dumb question, but think about it. Do you think you have all the stuff that make a leader?

In my opinion, a leader isn't one who is capable to lead; a leader is in fact one who knows how to present himself. As you might've read in one of my previous blogs, I'm a huge fan of Narnia. In the second part of the film series, Aslan says that Prince Caspian is fit to be the Narnian king since he knows that he is 'not ready for the responsibility'. Believe me, that's who a true leader is. Leaders shouldn't be chosen by outward appearances. Appearances are 'bred in the eye'. You may think someone who looks smart can be a leader, but did you know, that a leader is much more than that.

A leader is someone who's simple. A leader is someone who is compassionate. A leader is someone who knows how to differentiate between his responsibilities and his duties. To be a leader, one needs to have not leadership qualities, but just a dignified personality. Personality works wonders. To make a leader, the most important ingredients would be compassion and recognition. Recognising one's duties is like the most major thing a leader needs. Any leader needn't be someone who scores 100% in their academics. Even a failure can become a leader, as long as he has the guts and a dignified spirit. 

But remember one thing. Being a leader isn't as simple as it seems. Being a leader requires you to have control over yourselves. One wrong action, and all your reputation goes in vain. The huge number of responsibilities may confound you, beware! A leader doesn't just assume office by getting elected or nominated, but he assumes office after a lot of expectations get placed in front of him. Any leader may be from a terrible background, but may prove to be the best of his kind. After all, the old saying goes, 'NEVER judge a book by its cover'.

So now, think again. Do you really have what it takes to be a leader in you? Do you really think being a leader is as easy as it seems? Celebrating an entire year of being the Blue House Captain of my school, here's Harini, signing off this blog. Feedback expected!! 

Thursday 2 July 2015

To All The 'People'

This is to all the 'people' out there.

You're a human being. You are the most superior being in the universe. You are the most developed organism on this earth. You have introduced all complicated laws and theories and conclusions and solutions. You have been accepted universally as the most dominant species of this universe. And it's high time we all started acting like an intelligent species of life.

Advancements in science and technology may have helped the Homo sapiens in some or the other way. But believe me, the very same thing that gave us so many benefits have made us forget our true aim. There's so less peace in this world. There's more competition and pressure than peace and joy. We've forgotten how to live a life. Everyday a person starves, and a child cries on the streets because of hunger, but who cares? No time for such stupid things, is there? All that there's time for is 'logical explanations'. Children aren't allowed to talk innocently, because their parents want them to be 'civilised'. Oh, come on! It's their childhood! As a child, I wasn't ever stopped from talking stupid stuff!!

Just this morning, my classmate and I and working on her speech on Moral Values. This thought struck me then- we expect respect, don't we? But always, we forget to give respect. We ignore this, every time. We might be the most respected person in the world, but we don't give the slightest respect to our neighbours. Doesn't mean that just because a man begs on the streets, or sells tickets for a living, he's not deserving of respect!!

 Every one of us mix our professional life with our personal life- if you're a student, we mix our school life with our personal life. Any tension outside home? Show it on the innocent beings at your home. Kick the innocent street dogs. Throw everything you find in your room. I mean, what's their mistake, man? Dumbos!

And and- not forgetting this main point- we are so engrossed in our own selves that we always fail to realise what others expect from us. We are so selfish that we take more and give less- take more respect, and give not even half of it. In my opinion, such people do NOT deserve even the slightest amount of respect. Respect is kind of a 'give and take policy'. Give respect, take respect. So, you 'superior' beings, think again. Do you really think you are acting the way you're supposed to? 

This may be the simplest of all my blogs until now, but I don't care. I found this to be something the whole world lacks, and that's why I chose to write a simple blog on it. Any comments? The comments section is below!!