Saturday 11 July 2015

Are We Doing The Right Thing?

Hey, human! How's life? - That's like a question you come across every single day. Now, let me ask you a question- Hey, human! What right thing did you do?- Answer this question. Not easy, is it? Well, so that's what this blog is about.

You might keep a record of who helped you and how many times, don't you? But do you ever keep a record of how many times you have helped someone? Forget counting, do you even remember the last time you helped someone? By helping, I don't mean something like lending your pencil or something of that sort, but instead I mean something like giving the needy shelter, or giving a lone pup a loving home. That time wasn't somewhere in the recent past, was it?

Well, that is exactly how today's world is. We expect others to help us when we're in need, but in reality, we just turn a cold shoulder to others. As the most superior species in this huge world, are we doing the right thing? Are we actually ignoring the caste system and treating the poor as one among us? Are we whole-heartedly feeding the poor or doing it just out of sympathy? Are we truly working to make our society free of the Devils that exist among us? Are we really making efforts to establish ourselves as good persons and not just 'people with degrees and reputation'?

The harsh truth is, NO! We aren't doing anything right! We use social media as a means of entertainment, and not a medium for social service. In my opinion, when it is called 'social' media, it should be used for social service along with 'socialising' with our friends. Considering today's world, the population of people reading their feeds on social networks is over thousands times more than those who feed their brains through newspapers. Talking of social media, I have noticed that people think they're 'great' if they 'like' or 'share' any sort of 'like and share to donate ___' types of posts. Even in such cases, we do this ONLY for humans. Have you ever thought of those creatures who cannot speak? Has your social media ever talked about animals in the same way they talk about humans? NO.

It's high time we think of a change! Forget thinking, BRING a change! Let's see- Question yourselves every day- Am I doing the right thing? Believe me, that's going to definitely change this world, provided everyone not only thinks of it, but even thinks of executing it!! Come on, let's do the right thing!!

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