Friday 10 February 2017

Naught All

In the corner of his bed at a corner in his mansion,
The rich little boy was peering-
Out through the window, at the boy down the street,
Oh! He seemed to be so happy!
The rich little boy, in the corner of his head,
Thought of all that he had:
He had his toys, his TV, and five of his dogs,
But the boy down the street had something that he didn’t.
He had a smile on his face.
A smile like nothing he had ever seen;
A smile, rather, like nothing he could ever imagine.
A smile, that for him, would remain a dream forever.
And this pained him. For
He knew that joy was the biggest of all treasures:
Something which no riches could ever buy,
Something without which no bird could ever fly.
But what could he do? He was never content
Like the boy down the street with not one luxury
He would never even change; so as the night closed down,
He simply dreamt of the joy that he could never have.

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