Friday 4 August 2017

The Marks Card

The moment I hear that word,
My heart always skips a beat.
But why wouldn’t it?
Is that because of how they portray it
Or is it because of the sinisterness of the monstrous word?
Think about it. Every time
You walk out of your house for an exam-
The only thing that pops up- “MARKS PLEASE”
And I agree, it is important.
Very, VERY important.
But take a second and wonder-
Is your second name Mark?
Cuz’, I don’t think so.
But I’m starting to doubt that.
You see, whenever you’re supposed to flutter and frolic,
I see you with your books.
Whenever you’re at the dinner table,
You bring your books along.
Whenever you’re supposed to be doing nothing,
Your hands hold a big fat textbook.
It’s become a routine-
When you have to meet friends, you study.
When you can sleep in, you study.
When you’re invited for a lifetime opportunity,
Hey! You can skip that! You must study!
(Believe me, the last one feels HORRIBLE)
But HEY! NEWS FLASH! Your books aren’t more important than you!
I won’t complain if you study when you have to.
Cuz’ I know marks are important. ESPECIALLY in this country.
But I find you cheating for your score.
Marks- are they more important than your rest?
Are they more important than your zest?
Are your marks more important than YOU?
The answer is, NO, my friend, NO!
Your marks don’t define who you are!
Your marks are just a number
That fetches you admissions- or jobs- AFTER your personality.
Your marks are just a combination of digits-
Be it one, two or three.
They’re only your marks.
They don’t define your entire self.
They’re only your marks.
Makeup to any ugly soul.
They’re only your marks.
A necessary frenemy.
They’re only your marks.
So, relax.

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