Thursday 22 January 2015

A memory.. Or a legacy??

Friends- the only flowers in the garden of life without a single thorn.
How many friends do you have? Ten? Twenty? A Hundred? Well, I've got just a handful of friends, about twenty, but they are equivalent to a thousand. Yea, a thousand. I'm not joking, seriously! And apart from my friends, I've also got so many people around me, whom I rarely talk to. But those people also come under my friends' circle, but in a more virtual manner. This blog might not be as satisfying as my other blogs, but I found that this was the best way I could highlight their contributions for making me who I am today, and that's why this is about those tiny flowers of my life.
Okay, so now about my companions. They're a rather raucous batch, with a brain, just like other people. But the only difference in their 'brain' is that it is crazier and more accustomed to a playful life, with no seriousness at all! Of course they are serious, but their seriousness is usually limited to only exams. They consist of humans- girls and boys- and dogs and cats. Even these animals come in my list because they're so agreeable. I wouldn't go in depth about my animal friends now, maybe later!! But a few of my Homo Sapien friends are so close to me that they're now an integral part of my life. Without them, my day- my life would be incomplete!!
These brats have contributed so much in making me what I am today. If I'm naughty, it's because of my sweet little 'thigmotropic' friend. She never really cared about me troubling her, pulling her hair, or call her by any name! If I'm really talkative, it's all because of the 'new girl' in my sixth standard class. If I'm confident, it's because of my high school bench-mates. If I'm a pretty good chatter, it's all because of my hangouts with a Really good classmate. My besties have contributed in making me very supportive and caring in nature. Yea, I'm stubborn as well, but my friends have adjusted to it so much that they don't even give me chances to show my stubbornness!! Yea, if there were ever such moments, they made sure everyone was happy and we finally ended up sorting out the matter as a team. My team-building skills have received nourishment from these flowers. Time flew, but these flowers never dried up.
I've also had a number of people to whom I rarely talked to, but they also have helped me become who I am today. Out of my 30-40 classmates, I would have regularly talked to only 10 or 20 people. But the rest of my classmates were nevertheless ignorant towards me. I still remember my first debate in front of the most raucous class of the floor. I was pretty nervous. I would freak out at the thought of having to speak in front of a highly distracted class. But when I stood up and walked to the front of the class, I was overwhelmed at the response I received. A class that couldn't be controlled by even the principal was so silent!! From the beginning of my speech, till the end of 3 minutes, I received so much encouragement and when I completed my speech, I received a huge round of applause. That was probably the best experience I've ever had with my friends- both close and not-so-close.
I know this blog might have sounded too formal or something like that, but I discovered that this would be the best way for me to speak my mind. I know friends aren't supposed to thank each other, but still. For all the people who have helped me become who I am today, THANK YOU!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Suddu sorry :(
    Ronni thanks!!!

  3. Go die I hate this stupid blogger website simply it keeps making me rite my already long comments again n again stupid this but im duin it lke again n again only fr ur superb amazing fantabulous blog! I juz love it to the core tht to wen its about friends it makes it all d more relatable ! U going to be out next super syar or our only super star! In fact ur already be a star who is duin things superbly! Im going mad only! Miyas english?!? whyy juz why urs is awesum I mean look at wat u hve ritten! U going to be Harini MS THE GREAT! N ill be like ya ik her ik her xdxp! N no need fr ur sry I frgt about it n its completely ok!

  4. :) Lol how ur mind changes :P anyway thank you!!
