Saturday 24 January 2015

Kingdom Animalia- the most loyal earthlings

Animal- what does this six letter word mean to you? The dictionary defines this word as "any member of the kingdom Animalia, comprising multicellular organisms that have a well defined shape and usually limited growth, can move voluntarily, actively acquire food and digest it internally, and have sensors and nervous systems that allow them to respond rapidly to stimuli."Too huge a definition for this tiny word, right? Well, let me make it simpler for you. According to me, an animal is another being in this universe, just one step below the Homo sapiens in terms of superiority, but several steps higher than the same in terms of loyalty.
I really don't know how, or when this craze came upon me, but for me, animals are far more important than any of my human friends. This might sound a little rude to my friends, but by "any of my human friends", I do not refer to every one of them, but only to a restricted many. For me, animals are my life-they're my soul. Every time I see any animal, especially those with these cute little questioning eyes, as if they're questioning me- "Why you be ignoring us? Come, come Harini, play with us! We won't  hurt you!"- some unknown indescribable force overpowers my conscience. No matter even if that animal be a tiger, I feel like rushing towards it and hug it, play with it. But many a times, I find that the fiend inside of me stops me from spreading this tiny feeling of equality among these tiny beings of the earth. And that 'fiend' usually turns out to be the effect of the thoughts of the strangers around me.
But my question is- Why? Why do we ignore these tiny little beings? Why do we deprive them of their right to live as one amongst us? Why? Why is there so much of a commotion against them when we don't even try to know why they come close to us, or why they look at us with those anime eyes? Forget about tigers, or any other animal in the wild. Even the dogs, the cats- any animal in the streets- even pet animals are given a treatment no less than slaves. If there are a hundred people owning pets, I believe that only about fifteen among them treat their pets as one among their family. I've witnessed a number of such incidents and seen so many such videos where people abandon their pets and leave them to rot in between the streets, When pets are treated like this, there is no doubt that animals in the wild are being given such horrible treatment. No wonder why they fear us; no wonder why they attack us.
We many times roam around searching for true friends, without realising that our true friends are here, right next to us- on the streets, behind thick foliage, hiding in the dark. Homo sapiens might betray you, but these creatures- our brothers and sisters- can never ever betray anyone. Might be they want to, but even if they do, I believe that they want to give you an infinite number of chances before they cause you any harm. Animals- the most agreeable friends- this one is for them!!

I'd end this writing with a quote by an anonymous animal-lover- "Animals are such agreeable friends- they ask no questions, they pass no criticisms."

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