Thursday 26 March 2015

Ooooo!! Narnia!!

So FINALLY!! I'm back to blogging, just because the vacations have begun.
Hey! Have you seen The Chronicles Of Narnia? No? You're probably missing the BEST series of films. I've become so hooked to this movie series, that I've started dreaming about it. Seriously, I've dreamt about going to Narnia like a hundred times, and I love those dreams so much that I end up continuing them in this tiny brain of mine for months together!!! Of late, I've started getting this impossible feeling of just getting away from all the stresses of my books and this world, and just spend some time at Narnia. By 'some time', I mean, an entire Narnian century or something, without even losing a single second in the real world.
Wish it was that easy!! I really hope that one day, someone, I don't care even if it's me, manufactures this wardrobe that takes you to Narnia. Forget manufacturing, I just wish MY wardrobe gets possessed by some sort of a magic, which will take me to Narnia the next time I open it. Sometimes, I seriously wish that I get the power to just chuck all these stupid and disturbing thoughts from my head, go to Narnia, meet Aslan, learn some sword-fighting, and come back with a peaceful mind!! This world has a lot of troubles- natural and man-made- that seriously irritates me to the core. Narnia would be the perfect place to seek peace in such situations.
You know what, Narnia has now occupied such a special place in my heart, that whenever I see something unusual or new, like a spark from in between the bushes, the first thought that comes to my mind is, "Narnia is calling me!" But alas! Little do my poor thoughts know that Narnia doesn't really exist! But still, I never lose that dream. Whenever I get such a thought, the only thing that I console myself with is the Professor's last dialogue in the first film of the series, when Lucy peeps into the wardrobe to see if Narnia was still there- "Narnia won't be there when you seek it, my child! It comes when you least expect it!"
One of my previous posts talked about the dream destination. Yes, know I really know where my dream destination is!! If you guessed it, you guessed it right!! Narnia!!!

Hey there, reader! You might have such a special place you'd like to visit!! Feel free to share it in the comments!!


  1. That was awesome!!! Narnia is definitely the place to breath out and relax. I would totally love to be one of those four siblings and live their adventures. As much as I love to visit Narnia, I have another special place to visit as well, 'Hogwarts'. You should try to read Harry potter during these holidays , I am sure it won't prove to be a disappointment. J. K Rowlings style of writing is something worth reading , it's very captivating. Ignore the dumb Harry potter movies and try to get the real taste of it in the books.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. :) thanks for the suggestion!! I'll definitely try to pick up one of the books to begin with!!!
