Saturday 26 September 2015

It's Exam Season... AGAIN.

Exam season has begun. The season every student fears; dreads to be more specific. This is a season that comes once in winter, twice in the monsoon and a little before summer. A season not liked by many, I really pity the exam season.
Geographically, the exam season is characterised by depressions in a person's mood and character. The climate in this season, no matter how hot or cold, feels terribly suffocating. Sleepless nights, deviations from the expected weather and acute pressure that gets extremely irritating are few of the many things that lead to students dreading this season.
Keeping 'geographical' details apart, let me come back to what the exam season actually is. Believed to be one most the most important seasons of a student's life, the exam season is something that gets on a person's nerves. It's nothing as dreadful as it seems, believe me. But what actually makes it so dreadful is this.
A student might have gathered concentration with like so much of difficulty, but all of the sudden, the human ear perceives a sound-
Phone: "Ping!!"
Me: Yay!! A notification!! Has someone pinged me?? No? Okay, let me take selfies!!!
And there the phone, and the crazy obsession for selfies, deprives the student of just a few hours of his/her time. After this, the student again musters some interest back into the portion, when the brain calls out-
Brain: Why do we exist on the earth??
Computer: Come, Google that on me; I'm lying idle for like ages!!
So the student goes to Google stuff. It would have started from the existence of humans on earth, but a few hours later, the computer screen would have an amazing video being played on it.
Then the child comes back to the black and white text of his/her textbook-
Book: The Electro Magnetic Spectrum is. . . .  Hey, are you awake?? Hmm... You're asleep. All your hardwork from 8am to 6pm? Void.

Bam!! Ever thought that monsoon, with the winds and storms and tornadoes, was the worst of all the seasons?? Think again- there's this Exam Season- with things worse than monsters and giant spiders!!

Thursday 17 September 2015

Where Is The World??

Where is the world?? In a vast area of vacuum?? Third in line from the Sun?? Somewhere in the Milky Way?? To be honest, this question is among the many disturbing ones that keep fidgeting with the mind- and the result? Hopeless.
In one of my earlier blog posts, I have described my dream destination. To me, that is the world. Somewhere where you don't have to actually wonder what a true life means. Somewhere where you don't actually need to search for someone who brings in a colour into your life. To me, the world is there where true emotions needn't be hidden.
Anyway. Let me stop repeating what you might've already heard from me. Many a times, in fact always, I see and hear about people going in search of peace. The Buddha went in search of peace, and so did our beloved PM Modi. What does that show about the 'peaceful' world we live in? I define the world as a place where nobody goes in search of their identity, or friends or peace. As a matter of fact, the world I live in has nothing what I actually expected from it. Be it on social lines, or in terms of my education- there is so much of stress! Instead of limiting this entire thing to myself, let me give you some work. When was the last time you actually did not regret your existence on earth? Here's where I shall question you- Where on earth is the world? Honestly, this is the very reason I'm so mad about Narnia.
But where on earth is the real world? Where will you and I find a place fit for living? Will there ever exist such a place where there is a bit of humanity? The ongoing Syrian crisis- the little boy Aylan- will there be ever an end to this ruthlessness? Will the world we expect ever become a reality?
The answer, my friend, lies in your very hands. You can be the first step towards making this world an epitome of epitomes. I know there are going to be quite many people reading this post, so I can really hope for thousands of first steps towards making this world paradise.
Before I bid adieu, I would like to place before you readers a tiny request- the comment section of this blog has been idle since a long time.Please put in your views- regarding this blog or any of your opinions or what you want me to write on next or anything in this world- in the section provided below. Please, cuz' that could also make the world a better place- How? That depends on your imagination (winks) and this whole blogging business more fun!!!

Friday 4 September 2015

Happy Teacher's Day!!

My life was strange, dull and void,
I never really knew when life took a stride,
When I came to this world, with angels of gold,
Whom I later started to know as a teacher.

Starting off with this little quatrain that popped into my mind, I would like to express my gratitude to every single teacher who has borne me over the years. If I had to name every single teacher I'm indebted to, believe me, my list would never end. At every point of my life, I have sought the advice of a teacher. In fact, if I am able to write this blog today, the entire credit would go to my teachers. If I happen to enjoy Math and Science inspite of finding them boring (no offence), I'd credit this enjoyment to my teachers. Computers are interesting because of the fun guidance of my teachers. Well, if you name anything I love, I would credit my interest to my teacher.

Dear Teacher, you have given me every single thing I have ever wanted in my life- from opportunities to debate to chances of meeting novelists- I have been able to fulfil so many of my desires only because of what you have done for me. You have spent endless hours or tiring work, all for me. In return, I would really hope our relationship stays as strong as it was when we first met. Although I'm very far, I really wish I shall stay as close to your heart as I ever was.

Happy Teachers Day To You Ma'am!!! :D

-- Harini MS