Thursday 22 October 2015

The Worst Nightmare

What's the worst nightmare you've ever had?
A week ago, I dreamt of redoing my Geography paper, and just fifteen minutes before I was supposed to give up my paper, I see that my 25 mark Map had not been filled at all!! And when I try filling it up, voila! I know nothing!! Think that's not scary? Read on...
Just yesterday, I dreamt of being chased by a monstrous two headed dragon in the middle of a performance, which seemingly turned all the managers of the hotel I was performing in against me. Scary now?
But believe me, neither of these two of my dreams scared me more than the thought that my vacations are speeding. I mean, they just begun last Saturday!! And now, I'm mourning and counting days when these days of freedom will end. When school starts, I'll be happy, but the next nightmare that pops up will be 'These days are gonna end!!' Ugh!!
Isn't the universe so strange? I mean, it introduces something to your seemingly stupid life, and you start hating the new admission. But later, you get so attached to it, and that's when this cruel rule of life snatches it away from you. If one of my closest friends did something like that to me, I'd slap him/her right on the cheek and just back off from the bond we 'used' to share. But that's not possible with life, is it? You can't just chuck life and it's rules and just move on!! Life's starting to seem like this ghost that keeps hanging on to your back and refuses to get off!! Yea, I'm hinting on Vikram-Betal ;-)
So what else? I mean, vacations are coming to an end, and I wanna blog more and more before they go away. I know, holidays will come back, but, bleh. It's so frustrating to remember that you've gotta get up at 6 in the morning, travel to school and do nothing but eat, read, sleep. But man, these days are gonna be so missed! Not that silly confusion again!!! Okay then, bye. I don't wanna stuff my mind with useless worries at least for the last five days of vacations!!!

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