Thursday 31 December 2015


Have you ever experienced a weird *connection* without which your life would've been incomplete? Yes? Then I'd call you lucky . You haven't? Hmm, just pray you do! Because without experiencing that feeling, you'd kind of die without living the reason you came into this world with. You must be thinking I'm talking about love. But no! This *connection* I'm talking about is something more than just love. It's called *trust*. And I'm actually the lucky kind I was talking about earlier. But I think what makes me luckier is the fact that I have experienced this *connection* with a being very different. A being that was canine. 

Just another day in my life, I was walking with my school bag, with a box of biscuits in my hand. No, I wasn't gonna eat them. They were for a very sweet friend. I called her Whitey- after all, she was a white coloured stray dog, the sweetest one I've ever befriended!!
Two minutes had passed before I found the friend I'd been searching for. She was sitting outside a house towards the end of the lane. Going towards her, I fairly realised that I was about to experience something more pleasing than all worldly pleasures. 
As everyday, I started feeding her. All of a sudden, a chihuahua came into the lane, pulling its master along. Oh God, it was barking as though it was about to tear something into pieces!! I wasn't really worried about the 'villain' suddenly entering the scene of two friends meeting, but it turned out that Whitey freaked out. I would expect any other dog to just run away if it was scared in such a situation, but Whitey turned out to be different. No, she didn't jump around in panic. She rushed behind my legs instead. She hid there.
I felt the connection. Within a fraction of a second, the entire scene had changed. Just a moment ago, I was feeding Whitey her daily treat. And now, her safety was my responsibility. If something happened to her, I would never be able to forgive myself.
But the twist in this tale is that nothing really happened. The barking dog was just pulled by its master away from the scene. I did feel a little funny. Because I had to protect my little canine friend, but at the same time, I didn't have to. 
So yea, the next second, we both returned to our daily life. I fed her some more biscuits. Then, understanding that we'd meet again in the evening, she just walked back into her daily life. And I walked back into mine. 

Monday 28 December 2015

Dear Mom/Dad

A letter to every mom / dad; the voice of a little one.....

Dear Mom/Dad,
Hey there! It's been a long time since I.. umm... actually spoke to you. Sounds strange, huh? I mean, I've been talking to you like, forever.
Lemme begin by saying, I love you. And today, it is my love that speaks. I know you're busy with your work and stuff, but please. Spare some time listening to what I have to say. What, dad? Your phone's ringing? Can't it wait, please? Mum, I know you have work in the kitchen, but please? I don't know when I'll get to talk to you about this again.
So without further ado, here's what I've got to say. It's been long since I actually spent time with you. I know, I know. You're busy at office, and you're also busy at home. I also know that you're busy, so that you can give me a better tomorrow. But somewhere between correcting my yesterday and shaping my tomorrow, I guess you've forgotten to gratify my today. I feel rather awkward to, umm, teach you what I want, because you both literally know all of my needs. But amongst all the things I've needed, this stands at the top.
I need some more of your time. I know you've been spending a lot of time with me right from the day I entered your lives, but as I'm growing up, I'm realising how the showers are slowing down. I know,  Mom,  that you want me to become independent. But I guess being independent doesn't mean losing what I need the most, even if the process of losing it be very slow.
Mom, Dad, I know you have a lot to do in your own lives. You have to manage accounts, you have to manage our home, you have to manage your own recreation as well. But don't you think it's time for a family vacation? We haven't been on one for months. Since school begun, we haven't been on a casual outing at all. I don't mind going for a 10 minute drive. I just need some time, with you. I'll study then, I promise. I'm ready to give up on anything you say if giving that up meant getting some time with you.
Mom, Dad. I know you have a lot of work to do. But I guess this small family of ours came into your before all your responsibilities for me
could attack your time. I'd be overwhelmed if you actually understood that without keeping me waiting. I really need some of your time, I don't care however short that time be.
Mom, Dad. That's what I wanted to tell you. Now you can go back to what you wanted to do.

Tuesday 22 December 2015


Another poem is now officially another member of my blog!! Hope you enjoy reading it!! It's called 'Sometimes...', and is based on the thing that every person craves for, directly or indirectly- what is it? I'll reveal towards the end.. ;-D

Sometimes I wish I was a dog
So I wouldn't have to worry about missing my jog,
So the only thing I'd wish would be food and a bed,
No matter how badly I'd dread, there'd be nothing else in my head.
Sometimes I feel, why I am so keen,
In making myself forever beam,
Why can't I sit, just with a bit-
A bit of peace, even if dimly lit.
Sometimes, a little vice in my mind,
Tells me, "Never, never be kind!"
But where? Where will I find my kind,
Who'll lead me away, from this world so blind?
Sometimes, in stuff, I make many blunders,
Just like a hunter, when he cuts a heart asunder,
Sometimes I wonder, my life is a mistake,
But then I remember- Oh! For Heaven's sake!
I have a reason, a reason to live,
And I cannot let this "NO PEACE" outlive-
My reason, my joy, my season to enjoy;
For, without that, my friend, my aim to inspire     can't deploy!!

Okay, so here's the central idea- oops!! I almost forgot!! I'm not gonna reveal it, search for yourself!!
(Hint- The word's on line 8!!)

Saturday 19 December 2015

Why This Kolaveri Di?!

"And the winner is..... Casy!!!"
That one sentence made some happy, many disappointed.

Well, this story dates to 14th May, 2014. It was the day of the finals of the 25th Annual Seekin' Orators competition- a national level competition that chose the best speaker amongst the huge number of teen-speakers in the country. It wasn't easy to go up there and speak. Forget speaking on that prestigious stage, even getting an opportunity to speak in the competition was an ordeal. And luckily, I got that opportunity.
Well, I don't really want to stress on the details of how I managed to reach the finals and how I spoke and stuff like that. All I noticed during those 4 months in the four rounds of the competition was on the day of the finals, and that too after the results were announced. Perhaps that was what both troubled and entertained me at the same time.
Well, a girl named Casy won the title. I didn't win; and honestly, I don't regret even a part of it. I lost. And I was proud of it. But around me, people were crying. They were cursing the judges. Perhaps such stuff form a part of these talent hunts. The winners rejoiced. The losers regretted the very fact that they were alive. As I said earlier, I was proud of my loss. My surrounding troubled me. My pride in losing entertained me. But at that moment, all that I could think was- "Why?"

Why do we have to regret the negative side of stuff? What I saw was in a competition. What I realised was that that happens in every single phase of life- whether you fall ill, or fail a test. Whether you're forced to eat something you hate, or are made to sit next to a person who's yucky in your sense- all that goes in your mind would be- "What did I do to have to suffer this?"
My question here is, "Why this Kolaveri Di?" Why does every so-called bad thing kill you deep inside? Why? Why is there so much of negativity?
Instead, why don't we look at the positive side of negative things? Let's say you lost a competition. You lost, so what? You earned some fame, even if like a tiny bit! Isn't that good? This may be something every adult tells you, but I don't regret it if you find my statement irritating as well. After all, I managed to say what I wanted to say, so I'm happy! See, it's that simple to see the other side of negativity!!
So hereafter, try to ignore negative side of things. Try to make negative positive. After all, it's just a vertical line away!! :D

Friday 11 December 2015

My Brother.

I always wanted a brother- someone who'd lend me a shoulder to cry on, someone who I could spend my time with. This was probably one among my deepest wishes, and it finally came true on 29th June 2010.
I still remember- it was around 9 pm, and I was busy watching my favourite TV show, the one I'd never miss, no matter what the case be. But that night, I found myself busy climbing up and down the stairs- I could miss neither the first glimpses of my brother nor the semi-finals of my TV show!
He'd squeal every moment. He'd drink from his feeding bottle. I still remember that I had to lend him my finger so that he could lick his milk from it! Shopping for him, buying him cosy towels to sleep with- ah! How I wish he'd become a baby again!
Time flew; he became one, then two. He'd started getting naughtier. He'd tear apart all newspapers. He'd peep out of his 'bed' once he'd gotten up from his slumber. He'd drop me at my bus-stop, he'd welcome me back home from school, jumping with great joy.
26th June 2013. He became three. He got toys, he got more affection. Undoubtedly, he'd become naughtier. He started getting closer to me and ignored me when my father was around. He actually became mean, just like a brother would behave with his sister. Nevertheless, we started growing closer.
Now he's five (2015). We shifted to a new home just some months ago. He did have a lot of difficulties in adjusting, but with some 'sisterly affection', I managed to bring him back on track. And all that time spent together has actually made us inseparable siblings!!
My brother. He's brown, with brown eyes, and long ears. He's tall and simply loves his family.
My brother- he's a dog.

That's him now, he's 7 years old <3