Monday 28 December 2015

Dear Mom/Dad

A letter to every mom / dad; the voice of a little one.....

Dear Mom/Dad,
Hey there! It's been a long time since I.. umm... actually spoke to you. Sounds strange, huh? I mean, I've been talking to you like, forever.
Lemme begin by saying, I love you. And today, it is my love that speaks. I know you're busy with your work and stuff, but please. Spare some time listening to what I have to say. What, dad? Your phone's ringing? Can't it wait, please? Mum, I know you have work in the kitchen, but please? I don't know when I'll get to talk to you about this again.
So without further ado, here's what I've got to say. It's been long since I actually spent time with you. I know, I know. You're busy at office, and you're also busy at home. I also know that you're busy, so that you can give me a better tomorrow. But somewhere between correcting my yesterday and shaping my tomorrow, I guess you've forgotten to gratify my today. I feel rather awkward to, umm, teach you what I want, because you both literally know all of my needs. But amongst all the things I've needed, this stands at the top.
I need some more of your time. I know you've been spending a lot of time with me right from the day I entered your lives, but as I'm growing up, I'm realising how the showers are slowing down. I know,  Mom,  that you want me to become independent. But I guess being independent doesn't mean losing what I need the most, even if the process of losing it be very slow.
Mom, Dad, I know you have a lot to do in your own lives. You have to manage accounts, you have to manage our home, you have to manage your own recreation as well. But don't you think it's time for a family vacation? We haven't been on one for months. Since school begun, we haven't been on a casual outing at all. I don't mind going for a 10 minute drive. I just need some time, with you. I'll study then, I promise. I'm ready to give up on anything you say if giving that up meant getting some time with you.
Mom, Dad. I know you have a lot of work to do. But I guess this small family of ours came into your before all your responsibilities for me
could attack your time. I'd be overwhelmed if you actually understood that without keeping me waiting. I really need some of your time, I don't care however short that time be.
Mom, Dad. That's what I wanted to tell you. Now you can go back to what you wanted to do.

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