Sunday 18 December 2016

The Life Of A Being Called Temptation

This is the life story of a being called temptation. It had no specific gender. It just came in as a being, and went away as a being. Not a he or a she, just an it. It took birth as a toddler named ‘Desire’. Desire took birth out of want. She was a subtle baby- strong, yet sensitive. She was weak in the beginning, but grew stronger as time flew. And one fine day, she turned into an it- feelingless. It took a while, though.
Desire said she wouldn’t surrender to her worldly want. She knew she shouldn’t. But her heartless mind justified her want and convinced her to turn a deaf ear to her angelic conscience. Her self-control died, and Temptation took over. Desire was now an it.
Temptation was now Desire’s new name. With all its goodness slowly disintegrating, it started moving towards its unethical goal. It did encounter some ‘obstructions’ though.
Guilt was the first boulder. She said, “Desire, fight your temptation, she’s a demon.” But Temptation had enclosed Desire in a soundproof cage. She could hear nothing. Temptation struck Guilt with her fist. She flew many miles away.
Temptation was now even closer to its goal. There, on a high table a few centimeters away, stood Emilia’s costly doll- Desire’s wish and Temptation’s goal. Temptation bumped into Desire’s Ethics. But again, they were no match for its strength. Temptation rather crushed them and used them as a ladder to reach the doll on the table. Temptation won.
Then, Emilia came into the room. Finding her doll missing, she cried out, “Mum, where’s my Becca?” She saw a doll in Temptation’s arms. She still thought it was Desire. “Hey, that looks like Becca!” she said. The reply was, “Oh no! This is Angela. I came to show her to you.” And Temptation walked out the door. But she tripped on Guilt. The poor thing pulled herself back to rescue her good Desire.
This fall woke Desire up. As Temptation was groaning in pain, Guilt’s wounds sealed up. She took shape the Ladder of Broken Ethics crumbled, and Self Control sealed them up. Desire examined herself. She found out that Temptation had ruined her senses. She took out her sword and killed Temptation. She fixed herself. Desire was good again.
But what about Becca? The poor thing missed Emilia. Desire got up. She cleaned her dress and rushed to Emilia’s. Hugging her tight, she apologized for the cruel acts of Temptation. A good friend as she was, Emilia forgave Desire. They’re good friends now.
And that is the story of how the being called Temptation died.

Saturday 5 November 2016


Every person has that one phase in his/her life where they end up becoming the person they never even dreamt they'd be. They either realise that transformation, or they don't- there is no in between. This isn't puberty or maturity. No. It's something different. Something that I feel I've experienced already. Something that I can't really find an existing word to describe. Although I know that it has to have some name.
I used to be this typical nerd you'd find at any school. The girl who preferred to sit in the first bench, the girl who faked ear problems (yes, I have done that) to escape sitting in the last rows owing to her height. I was that girl who would refuse hanging out with her friends because she wanted to study for a simple test that had no significance in altering her final grades. I was every teacher's pet. And I used to pride myself over that. But pet now feels, umm, ouch. I'd rather be a favourite, and not a pet. Believe me, there's a huge difference between the two.
And because I just stated that, a Teachers' Pet isn't bad, but the title leads to a kind of isolation. But anyone can be a favourite. Even the most hated person in the class can be a favourite. One of my classmates, who was disliked by many in our class, was a favourite, and that gave him a number of companions, which he would've otherwise not got. See, the two don't differ in what they mean. What makes them same but entirely different is the way fellow students, atleast in my observation, perceive them.
Coming back. I was a nerd. I'd bunk Games periods to study what I had studied a 100 times. I would be disappointed if I scored 95/100 when I could score a centum. And all this was only 3 years ago. When I entered the ninth grade, something happened to me. I transformed from a nerd, to what I would call, a semi-nerd. I still bunked Games, and some of my friends hated me for that. But I actually starting mingling with something other than my textbooks. I discovered friends.
Tenth grade was when I realised my passion for English. And that made me accept opportunities, instead of chucking them into a corner to spend time with my big fat textbooks. I was luckily in a school that gave me a lot of chances to discover my inner self. My semi-nerd attitude slowly began fading. I started transforming into the person I never thought I'd be.
And today, I stand here, as a completely new person. I blabber nonsense when I'm bored, and love sitting in the last bench. From writing twice a week, to laughing all day long, I've become a completely new person on the whole. My nerdy character almost came back to me, but I kicked it away. I don't like that anymore.
I've transformed.
To the person I never thought I'd be.
And if you haven't, you will too.
If not today, you will, someday.

Saturday 22 October 2016

Dear (Probable Ex) Best Friend

Dear Best Friend from my Old School,

Hey. It's been long since I last spoke to you. And it has been even longer since we last met. I still remember all of our random talks and all our meaningless jokes. But it doesn't really replicate the joy I used to feel when we were together. Remember how much we used to enjoy on Children's Day? We'd comment on other students' dresses, and drool over how cute other people looked. You, especially. I still remember that one Children's Day when we were talking weird stuff about the class topper's dress colour without realising that she was right behind us. Man. That day was so much fun!!
Moreover, you used to start freaking out weeks before Children's Day. You'd pester me trying to find out what I was going to wear to school on that day. We always wanted to match clothes, didn't we? Remember? Our teacher once confused you for me because of the same clothes we were wearing!!
But it has been a year since we shifted schools. And I barely get to talk to you. How long has it been since we met? Are we even going to talk to eachother anymore? Remember your favourite quote from your idol, Chacha Nehru? It went, "The only alternative to co-existence is co-destruction." I think co-existence suits us better than co-destruction.
You loved Children's Day, didn't you? That last time we met was on Children's day too. Let's reconcile on your favourite Day, please?
I love you <3

From Your Best Friend.

Thursday 22 September 2016

A Spark In The Dark

Halloween night. The most exciting night of the year. A night full of fun, a night full of laughter. A night full of trick-or-treating!! It was truly supposed to be an awesome night. But looks like fate had other plans for me.
My friends and I were supposed to set out on our candy-collecting ordeal at 5:30 in the evening. But at 5:15, I received a call from my friend saying they all wouldn't be able to make it. I was just like, "Whaaaaaaatttt?!" Like, seriously. You can't just cancel out on a plan like this just 15 minutes before it would all begin!!
So yea, I was ditched by my friends on my first ever Halloween night. I sat and cried for a good deal of half an hour. I cried so badly that my tears actually complemented my costume! My tears pulled my eyeliner all down my face, and honestly, it did make my face suit my costume- I was dressed as Annabelle, by the way. And if you're thinking what I'm thinking, Annabelle cried blood. Okay, okay, I looked like the Annabelle who cried, umm, eyeliner. Better? I guess so.
So coming back to what actually happened. I figured it was 5:50. 20 minutes past the time I was supposed to set out trick-or-treating. I fixed my costume, smirked at my face, picked my basket and set out into my nighbourhood. I must admit, I looked rather scary; my dog was frightened by my look too :O
So I set out, the only kid trick-or-treating alone, and I must've walked a good deal of 5 minutes when BAM!! The current goes out. I sighed to myself. First my friends, and now the electricity. Looks like my first Halloween wasn't even supposed to go on well.
I start walking, stretching my hands to detect any obstacles before they could strike me. One step, two steps. I kept walking. And suddenly. I see something. Two specks of golden-yellow amidst all black. And they staring at me from my sides. They were diagonally to my sides, perhaps. They always say that Bad Luck Comes In Threes. Could this be it? Could this be an experience that would change my opinions on superstitions for life?? I so hoped it wasn't!!
I kept looking at those two 'eyes'. I knew monsters didn't exist, but what if they did? Could these be two evil Mike Wazowskis? I wanted to run, but my legs didn't let me. I was sweating on a freezing cold night. Then, the rustling of leaves- both in front of me, and behind me. The two specks in front of me were coming closer. At a very fast pace. I was so going to die!!!
Adrenaline. Way too much adrenaline. I ran backwards, at a pace that could win me a gold in my school running race, when normally I wouldn't even manage to come in the top 5. I thought I'd escape the first two yellows and outrun the remaining two. But no! Something stopped me in my tracks.
Voices. I'm pretty sure I heard voices. I could bet the only cent I had at that time that I heard voices. Familiar ones.
Slowly, but swiftly, I could make out two figures in front of me. Turning back, I could make out two more behind me. I squeezed my eyes. They were my friends. (Lame, I know.) Those jerks wanted to prank me on Halloween. They wanted me to stay back at home and come scare me while I sat crying in my room because those fools ditched me. But on finding that I had left without them, they chose to scare me this way. Rubbish!!!

My first Halloween didn't turn out the way I wanted it to, but I guess what happened was good enough. 

Tuesday 9 August 2016


5:15pm. Veer's dinner time (He's my dog, by the way). Mumma and Veer went out to get his food, and I sat inside, eating pasta at the dining table. And then, chaos. Mumma shouted to my grandma from outside- "Security Koopdinga!!". That means 'call the security', in Tamil, actually. She had apparently spotted a small snake lying in front of Veer's room. From that moment onwards begun the entire episode of what I'd call, 'Freakish Awesomeness'.
So here's what happened. Mum spotted a tiny cobra, grandmom called the security. I was jumping, literally. Veer started getting anxious. The poor boy saw the potential source of danger to his family, but didn't know what it was. First time, you see. But his bravery didn't let me sit in peace. And to make his anxiousness better, Dad returned just then. Veer looked at me- "Akka, won't you tell me what's going on? I wanna be sure that you all are safe." Just then, my excitement doubled.
Dad spotted another cobra slithering from my cycle towards the UPS. I went Ahhhhhhh!! Grandma was going out at that time to inform Dad, but she got the shock of her life when Dad shouted- "Paambu!!"
So then what? I had to choose between taking care of my bro and witnessing the capture of a giant cobra. I had already seen our driver catching a small one earlier, and I could in no way miss this. Yea, I am a selfish sister; I accept it. But Veer is mature now na. So I ditched my brother to catch the glimpse of the ordeal outside.

That's the cobra on the left <---

Zoooooom, I ran outside the front door. Three securities had gathered outside. They had apparently caught the small one before I went out ( :( ), and were slowly moving towards the UPS, where the beautiful golden-scaled cobra had taken refuge. It took a good deal of 10 minutes to get the Naja naja out of its safe compartment in the UPS. Bamboo sticks, a long pipe fitted into a sack, and an air of excited nervousness in the garage. It was 5:25.
Then it all happened. Everyone tried getting the snake out using a really long bamboo stick. The hiss was almost deafening. Poor angry cobra! It was being hindered when it was in peace. But bruh! A safer place for you is not behind the battery, it is at the eucalyptus forest behind the development!!
Another 5 minutes passed. It was 5:30. The snake was still confused. It didn't know what to do. It had come out by now, but the 8 people around it were seemingly freaking it out. A huge pipe in front of it, and people around. Looked as though it would kill anyone, anytime.
I don't remember what happened in the next 25 minutes. I only remember watching as it slithered in and out of its secret refuge. I was lucky enough to get a small glimpse of it now and then.
At last, after a 45 minute episode of eye-to-eye contact with the snake, it slowly slithered into the pipe and into the sack in which lay its tiny comrade. Security took it away.
Another event that's gonna beautifully haunt my dreams for the next couple of days.

Tuesday 2 August 2016

Be Yourself, Not Others' Selfie!

Exactly a month after my last post, here's a poem that has surprisingly fetched me a prize in a competition with loads of competition (pun intended) :O
It's called Be Yourself, Not Others' Selfie!, and is basically about how teens tend to change their personalities because of their friends, or other situations. And yes. As all my writings, it is inspired by my experience. So here's how it goes!

I never really liked the teens who were 'blah'.
The teens, you know, who treated excessive weight as 'Alas!'
The teens who chuck attitude, boast about their fame's longitude-
Those teens were never meant to be my type.
But one fine day, I found myself away,
Away in the lost world of 'Meh',
It struck to me there. in my mind unaware,
Being 'blah' could just be my next dare.
I started hating being 'stout', my smile turned into a pout,
My mirror was now my new best friend;
It started getting worse, my life was an empty purse,
My soul was darkening, as if by a curse.
I couldn't be myself, fashion was my guide,
And I don't know why, but my self was taking strides-
Away from me, the soul that nurtured it,
And Oh! I was not ready for this dangerous fit!
It took my angel a while to come,
She said indirectly, "Being Yourself is much more fun!"
I didn't listen at first, but I slowly did,
I slowly realised that my 'la' by my 'blah' was being hid.
It did take me some time to rediscover my 'la',
My 'la', to tell you this, was being myself, and my earlier bliss,
But I found her at length, she was safe and sound,
Waiting for me in the land of wisdom, she was very profound.
Good won over evil, my 'la' won the war,
She defeated my 'blah', she returned to her rotten star,
The angel rescued me, she couldn't stand the 'not-her-type' me-
Because at last, it is you who you should be!!

Saturday 2 July 2016


You know what, once you graduate from high school, you face a lot of problems. And the number one problem, as per my observation, is to get into a school/college where your friend gets into. And guess what? I don't really appreciate that. No offence, but I don't really think it's nice to have your friend beside you in every single aspect of your life. You know why?
Here's my experience. I just moved into a new school, and it's awesome. But I guess what makes it awesome-er is the fact that I'm the only one from my old school who is here. To make it simpler, I'm a complete stranger here. Of course, I used to feel lonely and stuff, and there was even a time within this one month of school when I almost broke down. But at this point of time, I'm really glad that I didn't choose a school that my friends are presently going to. If you're one of my friends reading this, lemme tell you- I still love you, I really do. Don't mistake these lines as me beginning to hate you guys or something :P
So yea, coming to a school where I was a complete stranger was awesome. And here's why.
You know, I am an extremely shy person. I'm like that person who defies all laws of shyness. I find it so hard to talk with people I don't know, and some people start laughing at me when I say I wanna pursue a career as a talk-show host or something.
The long and short of this is that I cannot talk when I have absolutely no idea about the people around me. When I came here, it was all up to me to make a name for myself. No teachers knew me, and it was up to me to tell people who I was. And listen, it wasn't easy. Not at all.
I literally had to search for opportunities to make myself known; usually, those opportunities would come to me. I love English. Having said that, I used my passion to get a recognition. Reading out my poem in class actually helped, and how! I don't really want to specify about how exactly I became 'She! Oh, I know her!' from 'She? I don't know her.', that'd be irrelevant. But that transition makes me feel so damn good! Just yesterday, when I finally made friends after about a month, I was on cloud nine. Everybody I talk to, including my diary, have been 'notified' that I made friends all on my own. And that feels so amazing!!
But the main reason I'm glad of this achievement of mine would be this. I did it all by myself. Had I been somewhere where my school friends were, I'm 100% sure that I would've just hung behind them, waiting to be noticed. I would've hung out with the same old people, talked with the same old pals, and what not. I would have become 'Who's she?' from 'Oh, She.' And that transition would've been horrendous.
Oh! I shouldn't be mumbling about these right now. People who didn't even know I existed actually know me, and that's all because of who I am, and not what marks I've scored. And dang! That feels so freaking awesome!!

Sunday 5 June 2016

Shadows Of The Light

So let's take a tiny break from articles.
Here's a poem (a metaphorical ballad) I just wrote :D

This is a story of some time ago,

When it was 7 in the morning, and the sunrise was quite a show.
We were smaller then, that was the day we first bloomed,
"We shall grow up together!", well, that's what we assumed.
Our leaves were fragile, we had to be careful
The world was a devil, we had to be cheerful;
Our kind would come, our kind would go,
And it was up to us to stay without woe.
"Woe for what?", if that's what you ask,
Staying together was a scary task-
I say, scary, because,
Anyone could come and shatter our clause.
Time passed by, we grew up fine,
And then, we were both big and inclined;
To each other's thoughts, to each other's minds,
But slowly our keys started to unwind.
Strong gusts entered, those gusts of intrusion,
With the horrible aim of setting up an illusion:
They said to my comrade, "Come with us,
We will introduce you to a friendlier buzz."
Those evil gusts were the gusts of envy,
Sent by a group of a silent frenzy;
But my poor comrade, she didn't pay heed,
And went away with the gusts of greed.
A while passed, I was left all alone,
Until help came, from a hand unknown,
Another friend, another lonely soul,
Came to this poor, poor young foal.
My comrade still talks to me, she really does,
But I don't know if she really wants my buzz,
She's friendly though, I'm happy for her,
She has seemingly found someone she prefers.
As for me, I have a new friend,
Someone who knows how bad it is when old friendships end;
I'm happy although, because I know it is not far,
Before my old comrade will return to her star.

Thursday 7 April 2016

There's Nothing You Can Do About It

I took out the dusty, quite old, black and yellow slam book from my cupboard and flipped through the pages on which my friends, when we all were in the fifth and sixth grades, had filled in all kinds of stuff (nonsensical and sensical), thinking we'd never meet after growing one or two years older.
Today, I stand graduated. And what do I have with me? A handful of friends from amongst the hundreds I had just three years ago. And along with that, the so-called title of 'most amazing friend'. Ironical, right? The *most amazing friend* is now connected with just a few friends here and there. And if this is my condition today, it's damn freaky to imagine what my condition would be in the near future. I say near future because that is the speed at which things are changing.
The funniest part is, only a minor part of the handful of friends left with me today are actually humans. As for the rest, I have animals, plants, the sky, my books, my blog and stuff like these. And my only wish is that this minor part doesn't go extinct as the dodo and brachiosaurs.

Life's funny, no? It tells you when you enter school that "This miraculous mesmerising mind-blowing journey is gonna end in ten to twelve years, and as you depart, you're gonna take away tons of memories and so many friends." And turns out that this friend called *life* is an irritating feelingless liar. Memories? Okay. But friends? Oh please. I agree, I am taking away friends, but a ton of them? Utter nonsense.
And this is an endless thing. Maybe it'll end for you or me, but it's gonna go on and on; on and on- for generations as a whole. I don't even remember the last time I actually spent quality time with my best friend from the first grade. Today, she's only a friend. Perhaps the only thing that keeps me from despairing over this painful situation is the fact that I am in close touch with atleast two of my friends I befriended in Kindergarten (Phew!)

But what can I do about this? It was always obvious that this would happen one day, and perhaps my only mistake was, and is,
that I realised this way too late to prepare myself for it. And now, I can do nothing about it. And there's nothing you can, too.

Tuesday 5 April 2016


30 days of study + 10 days of exams = One month of Board Exam.

Equation doesn't sound right? Well, that wasn't even meant to sound right (LOL).
Anyway, jokes apart.
Every tenth grader in India (I say India bcoz I'm not sure about other countries) has to take this one exam at the end of their academic years- The Board Exam. Basically the Boards are just another set of exams, with the only difference that this is supposedly a life-changing exam. It is scheduled over 30 days, where you actually write the tests on the subjects you've been studying for practically one year (or three years, in case of a few subjects) over 10 days. Confusing? Lemme put it this way. 10 subjects, whose papers are distributed over 10 days, for which you need to spend 30 days of non-stop study, even after you've studied it over a period of a few years.

Well, I had to give my Boards this year. It's over though. It was all done in March. And perhaps the only thing I've learnt from that that is worth mentioning, is that Boards aren't that freaky. In the words of my mum, "They're just 10 papers, which will be corrected by people you never even knew about. That's all."
So on the first day of my Boards, I was really cool. (English Language na, that's why) Everyone around me was literally shivering. They were all like, "Oh God dude, it's the Boards!" And I was all like, "Umm, should I feel like, scared?" I get into our centre and start getting a lil nervous. But after those two hours of writing our first paper, I was all like, "Yaay!!" In fact, almost all my batch-mates were acting as though the entire Boards were done.
That was pretty much the case on all days. The major change came about on the day we had Math. Honestly, that was the lengthiest Math paper I had ever written. I guess I saw only one student who was actually cool after the paper. Math was what gave me that little bit of mood of- BOARDS!
Next came Science. Considering that I hate Science (no offence), I was pretty nervous. But as and as time went by, I realised that all my papers were actually going good! Even Science rocked, and surprisingly, Chemistry was the best.
An amazing paper of Computer Applications gave a rocking end to one month's struggle.

I didn't really mean to actually tell how my papers were. I rather wanted to explain my experience.

The transition from the first day to the last day was perhaps what caught my attention the most. On the first day, every one of us, right from our teachers to our parents to us, were very nervous. But it felt like I was running a race with my fellows, with angry honeybees chasing all of us, where I just stood knowing the dangers but feeling all chilled. It was rather awkward, you needn't doubt that. But as and as we started writing our papers, the feeling of nervousness started going crazy. One day we'd all be cool, and on the other, totally freaked out. As though we all had a sort of Split Personality Disorder or something. Towards the last paper, we were all so... I don't know how I should describe that. It was somewhere between ecstasy and sadness. We were all excited cuz' Boards were almost done, but sad cuz' school life was all done.

But all I wanna say through this long post is that Boards aren't so scary as we are told. They are a little nerve-racking, but nothing that can cost you all the peace you ever had. But the latter depends on the final result though (winks)!!

Thursday 24 March 2016

Expectations? The Opposite.

One message. One reply.
And you've officially lost my trust.
And for what reason? 
You misunderstanding My Objective.

All you people (especially teenagers) reading this, lemme tell you one thing. You would not want to experience that. I'll repeat, NOT. This form of a disappointment is much worse than a break-up, lemme tell you. Not because people question your statement, but solely because it is the people whom you trusted the most who place this question. And that is what kills you, literally.
So why am I telling this to teens? Because it's the teens who completely love their fellowmates. They only think, "Ha! She's not gonna mistake this; she's definitely gonna support me." And then, *BAM!* She comes to you saying, "What the hell!!"
So basically, what I'm trying to say is, never trust anyone that easily. There's this strong epidemic-sort-of-thing that is prevailing in today's teens. Trust me, I know that. Mobile phones and the internet have completely filled us teens with intolerance, and has robbed us of our capability to properly look into things. Why, even I have become pretty impatient after this tech-revolution caught hold of me. I do regret any acts of impatience, but another problem steps in here. The depression I'm much prone to kind of reminds me of my insecurities. I can't possibly share my thoughts with the people I've just hurt, so I remember my friends. But again. What if I text someone and end up having my mood spoiled even more. One text. One fantasy that my step would free me of a little bit of the stress I'm going through. And what happened? You must know that by now.
You know what? Thinking of things like this, I really wish I go back to being five or six. I had had people who wouldn't stab me behind my back, or even those who wouldn't misunderstand one tiny thing I say. And now? I'm finding it hard to decide which comrade to trust and which one to not.
Life's a hard riddle, isn't it?

Saturday 20 February 2016


I'm quite a messy student. Every time I study something, I'm too lazy to, you know, put my books back in my cupboard. So I just leave them on my desk. I do pretty much the same thing with my toys and stuff. I take them out, play with them for an hour or two, and once I'm done, I stuff them into a corner, maybe on my bed in such a way that my parents can't see it (LOL), And, yea. They lie there so long as two things happen- either I get pissed off with seeing them there, orrr, obviously, my parents find out.

A similar thing happened to me, just recently. My books were on my table for like, say, three weeks, and my mother was pretty sick of asking me to put them back in. So after like many rounds of reminding me to clean it up, my mum gave me this pissed off look that made me do it. Yes, lazy as I was, I stood up to clean my desk!!

Well, I shouldn't just say, I stood up to clean my desk. You know how a computer table looks, don't you? Well, my table looks something like the one in the picture. There's a couple of drawers, as you can see, and the top one in my drawer is home to my diary, a couple of pens, some keychains, and other such partly useless stuff. That desk makes me go OMG every time I open it. It's so messy and... You know, unbearable. But a lazy child like me never wants to clean it up!!

So yea, back to my 'cleaning' session. So I get off my bed, preparing to spend 30 minutes of my precious time cleaning up my stuff. I get up, stretch for about a minute, and walk reluctantly towards my poor table calling out to me- "Help! I wanna see the light!!" I pick up my books and arrange them in my cupboard, whining all along. That takes about, say, ten minutes. Next up, my drawer- that stuffed up little box always gets on my nerves.

I hear a voice in my head- "Harini, you're supposed to eliminate some of the useless stuff from this drawer today." And I'm all like, "Aha." 
As I have described earlier, my drawer is home to pretty much everything I don't use a lot, except for my diary. I have some 4-5 of them arranged one above the other- the diaries I've been confiding in for about 5 years now- and they look pretty disorganised amidst the chaotic situation of the stuff around them. I pick up my pen stand, take out the keychains from far inside, and keep them on my bed, saying to myself, "Baby, it's cleaning time!"
The next problem is, "Where's the paper??" I really need some to check how many of my pens actually write, don't I? I again shift lazily to my cupboard, pick up some paper, and there I am, back at the side of my bed. So, I pick up the first pen, try writing with it. 
'This writes fine.'
Next pen.
'This does not write? But I have so many memories with it! I wrote my first poem with it! Sooo, I'll keep it.
Next pen. It writes. Another one, okay, it writes. Ahaaaa; this pen does not write. But....
I guess you can continue that. So this process goes on and on, and I end up keeping back 12 pens back in the pen stand. The twist here is, I started off with 12 pens. LOL.

Then comes my diaries. I wanna put a few of them inside the cupboard. I can't put in the one I'm using now, so lemme see what my other diaries hold.
So I pick up one diary, and start reading it. 
"New Year's Day," it reads, "I went out with my friends and met my favourite actor." Wow! I can't throw this inside!! 
Next diary. 
"100% in my exams!!" No way! This shall not leave my drawer!!
Again, this process continues.

Then comes my favourite part. My keychain and a pair of gloves that don't fit me now. I waste about fifteen minutes trying to fit my huge fingers into those tiny gloves. My dog comes in. "Ha ha ha, now I have an idea!!"
I start running behind the poor little canine who just came into my room cuz' he hadn't seen me for like an hour. No matter how much he tries running away from me, I don't give up. After a chase that lasted about 15 minutes, I succeed in irritating him with a glove on his head. He's waiting for me to get it off, and ends up becoming the model for another stupid post on FaceBook.

"Harini!! Are you done cleaning or not?"
"I'm done Ma!! Just... No, I'm done!!"
And I rush into my room, stuff everything back into my drawer, and go downstairs to watch a movie. 

My desk's all happy, but my poor drawer's all like, "I hate you."