Thursday 31 December 2015


Have you ever experienced a weird *connection* without which your life would've been incomplete? Yes? Then I'd call you lucky . You haven't? Hmm, just pray you do! Because without experiencing that feeling, you'd kind of die without living the reason you came into this world with. You must be thinking I'm talking about love. But no! This *connection* I'm talking about is something more than just love. It's called *trust*. And I'm actually the lucky kind I was talking about earlier. But I think what makes me luckier is the fact that I have experienced this *connection* with a being very different. A being that was canine. 

Just another day in my life, I was walking with my school bag, with a box of biscuits in my hand. No, I wasn't gonna eat them. They were for a very sweet friend. I called her Whitey- after all, she was a white coloured stray dog, the sweetest one I've ever befriended!!
Two minutes had passed before I found the friend I'd been searching for. She was sitting outside a house towards the end of the lane. Going towards her, I fairly realised that I was about to experience something more pleasing than all worldly pleasures. 
As everyday, I started feeding her. All of a sudden, a chihuahua came into the lane, pulling its master along. Oh God, it was barking as though it was about to tear something into pieces!! I wasn't really worried about the 'villain' suddenly entering the scene of two friends meeting, but it turned out that Whitey freaked out. I would expect any other dog to just run away if it was scared in such a situation, but Whitey turned out to be different. No, she didn't jump around in panic. She rushed behind my legs instead. She hid there.
I felt the connection. Within a fraction of a second, the entire scene had changed. Just a moment ago, I was feeding Whitey her daily treat. And now, her safety was my responsibility. If something happened to her, I would never be able to forgive myself.
But the twist in this tale is that nothing really happened. The barking dog was just pulled by its master away from the scene. I did feel a little funny. Because I had to protect my little canine friend, but at the same time, I didn't have to. 
So yea, the next second, we both returned to our daily life. I fed her some more biscuits. Then, understanding that we'd meet again in the evening, she just walked back into her daily life. And I walked back into mine. 

Monday 28 December 2015

Dear Mom/Dad

A letter to every mom / dad; the voice of a little one.....

Dear Mom/Dad,
Hey there! It's been a long time since I.. umm... actually spoke to you. Sounds strange, huh? I mean, I've been talking to you like, forever.
Lemme begin by saying, I love you. And today, it is my love that speaks. I know you're busy with your work and stuff, but please. Spare some time listening to what I have to say. What, dad? Your phone's ringing? Can't it wait, please? Mum, I know you have work in the kitchen, but please? I don't know when I'll get to talk to you about this again.
So without further ado, here's what I've got to say. It's been long since I actually spent time with you. I know, I know. You're busy at office, and you're also busy at home. I also know that you're busy, so that you can give me a better tomorrow. But somewhere between correcting my yesterday and shaping my tomorrow, I guess you've forgotten to gratify my today. I feel rather awkward to, umm, teach you what I want, because you both literally know all of my needs. But amongst all the things I've needed, this stands at the top.
I need some more of your time. I know you've been spending a lot of time with me right from the day I entered your lives, but as I'm growing up, I'm realising how the showers are slowing down. I know,  Mom,  that you want me to become independent. But I guess being independent doesn't mean losing what I need the most, even if the process of losing it be very slow.
Mom, Dad, I know you have a lot to do in your own lives. You have to manage accounts, you have to manage our home, you have to manage your own recreation as well. But don't you think it's time for a family vacation? We haven't been on one for months. Since school begun, we haven't been on a casual outing at all. I don't mind going for a 10 minute drive. I just need some time, with you. I'll study then, I promise. I'm ready to give up on anything you say if giving that up meant getting some time with you.
Mom, Dad. I know you have a lot of work to do. But I guess this small family of ours came into your before all your responsibilities for me
could attack your time. I'd be overwhelmed if you actually understood that without keeping me waiting. I really need some of your time, I don't care however short that time be.
Mom, Dad. That's what I wanted to tell you. Now you can go back to what you wanted to do.

Tuesday 22 December 2015


Another poem is now officially another member of my blog!! Hope you enjoy reading it!! It's called 'Sometimes...', and is based on the thing that every person craves for, directly or indirectly- what is it? I'll reveal towards the end.. ;-D

Sometimes I wish I was a dog
So I wouldn't have to worry about missing my jog,
So the only thing I'd wish would be food and a bed,
No matter how badly I'd dread, there'd be nothing else in my head.
Sometimes I feel, why I am so keen,
In making myself forever beam,
Why can't I sit, just with a bit-
A bit of peace, even if dimly lit.
Sometimes, a little vice in my mind,
Tells me, "Never, never be kind!"
But where? Where will I find my kind,
Who'll lead me away, from this world so blind?
Sometimes, in stuff, I make many blunders,
Just like a hunter, when he cuts a heart asunder,
Sometimes I wonder, my life is a mistake,
But then I remember- Oh! For Heaven's sake!
I have a reason, a reason to live,
And I cannot let this "NO PEACE" outlive-
My reason, my joy, my season to enjoy;
For, without that, my friend, my aim to inspire     can't deploy!!

Okay, so here's the central idea- oops!! I almost forgot!! I'm not gonna reveal it, search for yourself!!
(Hint- The word's on line 8!!)

Saturday 19 December 2015

Why This Kolaveri Di?!

"And the winner is..... Casy!!!"
That one sentence made some happy, many disappointed.

Well, this story dates to 14th May, 2014. It was the day of the finals of the 25th Annual Seekin' Orators competition- a national level competition that chose the best speaker amongst the huge number of teen-speakers in the country. It wasn't easy to go up there and speak. Forget speaking on that prestigious stage, even getting an opportunity to speak in the competition was an ordeal. And luckily, I got that opportunity.
Well, I don't really want to stress on the details of how I managed to reach the finals and how I spoke and stuff like that. All I noticed during those 4 months in the four rounds of the competition was on the day of the finals, and that too after the results were announced. Perhaps that was what both troubled and entertained me at the same time.
Well, a girl named Casy won the title. I didn't win; and honestly, I don't regret even a part of it. I lost. And I was proud of it. But around me, people were crying. They were cursing the judges. Perhaps such stuff form a part of these talent hunts. The winners rejoiced. The losers regretted the very fact that they were alive. As I said earlier, I was proud of my loss. My surrounding troubled me. My pride in losing entertained me. But at that moment, all that I could think was- "Why?"

Why do we have to regret the negative side of stuff? What I saw was in a competition. What I realised was that that happens in every single phase of life- whether you fall ill, or fail a test. Whether you're forced to eat something you hate, or are made to sit next to a person who's yucky in your sense- all that goes in your mind would be- "What did I do to have to suffer this?"
My question here is, "Why this Kolaveri Di?" Why does every so-called bad thing kill you deep inside? Why? Why is there so much of negativity?
Instead, why don't we look at the positive side of negative things? Let's say you lost a competition. You lost, so what? You earned some fame, even if like a tiny bit! Isn't that good? This may be something every adult tells you, but I don't regret it if you find my statement irritating as well. After all, I managed to say what I wanted to say, so I'm happy! See, it's that simple to see the other side of negativity!!
So hereafter, try to ignore negative side of things. Try to make negative positive. After all, it's just a vertical line away!! :D

Friday 11 December 2015

My Brother.

I always wanted a brother- someone who'd lend me a shoulder to cry on, someone who I could spend my time with. This was probably one among my deepest wishes, and it finally came true on 29th June 2010.
I still remember- it was around 9 pm, and I was busy watching my favourite TV show, the one I'd never miss, no matter what the case be. But that night, I found myself busy climbing up and down the stairs- I could miss neither the first glimpses of my brother nor the semi-finals of my TV show!
He'd squeal every moment. He'd drink from his feeding bottle. I still remember that I had to lend him my finger so that he could lick his milk from it! Shopping for him, buying him cosy towels to sleep with- ah! How I wish he'd become a baby again!
Time flew; he became one, then two. He'd started getting naughtier. He'd tear apart all newspapers. He'd peep out of his 'bed' once he'd gotten up from his slumber. He'd drop me at my bus-stop, he'd welcome me back home from school, jumping with great joy.
26th June 2013. He became three. He got toys, he got more affection. Undoubtedly, he'd become naughtier. He started getting closer to me and ignored me when my father was around. He actually became mean, just like a brother would behave with his sister. Nevertheless, we started growing closer.
Now he's five (2015). We shifted to a new home just some months ago. He did have a lot of difficulties in adjusting, but with some 'sisterly affection', I managed to bring him back on track. And all that time spent together has actually made us inseparable siblings!!
My brother. He's brown, with brown eyes, and long ears. He's tall and simply loves his family.
My brother- he's a dog.

That's him now, he's 7 years old <3

Wednesday 11 November 2015

It's Festive Time!!

I wake up to a bright new morning, rather early indeed, to the sounds of the door opening and closing. People are shouting inside the house, wishing each other joy, and I'm just sitting there, cuddled inside my blanket, mourning over the irritating commotion outside my room. And then I realise- 'It's festive time!!!'
My brother comes and kisses me, pulling me out of bed. My mother shouts out to me-"Harini, wake up!!" And as for my mind, it keeps saying- "Wake up, but don't wake up."

All this laziness is a usual thing. But the festive mood is what does the trick. Lazily getting out of the bed, I realise how dumb I was to have wasted those fifteen minutes in my bed. There are relatives all around the house! So what does that mean? Yo baby, it's fun time!!
I rush into my bathroom, get ready, and put on my new dress. All ladies are busy dressing up. My sisters are busy admiring their mehndis, and all the mothers are feasting their eyes on the beautiful jewellery everyone's wearing. All the men are busy watching the special movies on TV, and then everyone sees me. "So the kumbhkaran is finally awake!!"- they shout out with joy, for the laziest person in the family has awoken.
Then we get out of the house. We start roaming around the streets, laughing and shouting like psychos. Our mouths relish the taste of spicy Indian chaats, and the mens' pockets are emptied by the demands of the women. There's joy everywhere, even the least visited places are filled. Roads are jammed, loudspeakers fill the air. Streets are colourful, lights are bright. But listen, this is not all I have to cite!!
Indian bazaars are flooded, it's profit-time for the merchants. Every corner of the street has become home to jewellery, spices, games and stalls. Schools are on a holiday, offices too. People hold on to the hands of their children tight, it's not difficult to lose their beloved's sight!!
Hours in the streets pass by, it's evening now. We think, 'Let's go home now.' So yea, getting into the car, we prepare ourselves for the beautiful lights we'd observe in a little while. Great expectations rush through the minds of us children- There's gonna be an amazing feast after going home!!
Cuz' moments like these don't come often, you know??

Sunday 1 November 2015

It's So Awkward!!!

Have you ever experienced the feeling of talking to someone after like hell lot of time? And by talking, I don't mean the new and modern 'texting', I rather mean face to face, using this natural gift called the 'mouth'. It does feel strange. Very strange indeed.
I, personally, have experienced this 'awkwardness'. I shifted- in the recent past- to a place rather far from where I used to live earlier. It meant that I'd had to go to a new school, meet new people, and.. yea, lead a new and different life. But what I did not expect was something rather astonishing. Believe me when I say that to this day, I can not believe this has happened to me. The friends with whom I used to spend hours on the phone with seem like 'strangers'. Well, we still are on friendly, actually, 'best friendly' terms; nothing has changed. But what makes me feel strange is the fact that we have completely forgotten how to speak on the phone. We chat for hours on FaceBook and stuff, but it seems s hard to spend even five minutes on the phone or on Skype.
Don't you find this strange? I mean, technology has become a necessity rather than a luxury. Sir Albert Einstein feared 'The day when technology would surpass human interaction'. The bitter truth is, that is the world we live in today! Forget manners and other acts of civility- we've completely forgotten how to talk! And that is so depressing.
Lemme keep this short. Just talk- because that is what is widening the gap between people. And that is gonna become the root cause to what will later become the headlines of every day in our diaries of life- "NO ONE''S TALKING TO ME!!"

Thursday 22 October 2015

The Worst Nightmare

What's the worst nightmare you've ever had?
A week ago, I dreamt of redoing my Geography paper, and just fifteen minutes before I was supposed to give up my paper, I see that my 25 mark Map had not been filled at all!! And when I try filling it up, voila! I know nothing!! Think that's not scary? Read on...
Just yesterday, I dreamt of being chased by a monstrous two headed dragon in the middle of a performance, which seemingly turned all the managers of the hotel I was performing in against me. Scary now?
But believe me, neither of these two of my dreams scared me more than the thought that my vacations are speeding. I mean, they just begun last Saturday!! And now, I'm mourning and counting days when these days of freedom will end. When school starts, I'll be happy, but the next nightmare that pops up will be 'These days are gonna end!!' Ugh!!
Isn't the universe so strange? I mean, it introduces something to your seemingly stupid life, and you start hating the new admission. But later, you get so attached to it, and that's when this cruel rule of life snatches it away from you. If one of my closest friends did something like that to me, I'd slap him/her right on the cheek and just back off from the bond we 'used' to share. But that's not possible with life, is it? You can't just chuck life and it's rules and just move on!! Life's starting to seem like this ghost that keeps hanging on to your back and refuses to get off!! Yea, I'm hinting on Vikram-Betal ;-)
So what else? I mean, vacations are coming to an end, and I wanna blog more and more before they go away. I know, holidays will come back, but, bleh. It's so frustrating to remember that you've gotta get up at 6 in the morning, travel to school and do nothing but eat, read, sleep. But man, these days are gonna be so missed! Not that silly confusion again!!! Okay then, bye. I don't wanna stuff my mind with useless worries at least for the last five days of vacations!!!

Thursday 8 October 2015

Youngest In the Family

Are you the youngest in your family? The oldest? Aha. If you're the youngest, you might probably know how dreadful being the youngest in the family can turn out to be. So here's a tiny piece of writing that I feel would sum up what I feel as the youngest person of the family....

Sometimes I sit and wonder,
What's it like to be older;
Older, not in age,
But an older member of the family.
Have you ever experienced
The dread of being the youngest-
Serving as a platform for the older ones
To get rid of their irritation and stress.
How horrible would it be
If people just treated you like a puppet-
By being bossy, and monitoring all your moves,
Sometimes questioning even your sleep!
Being the youngest is a boon, said they,
And of course I feel the same;
But many a times I sit and ponder,
About why I don't get insane!!
People kill you from the inside,
Stab you from their other side,
'Other side', cuz' that's not what they always show;
Ah! How I wish I was older,
How I want to be stronger,
Cuz' I really wanna get rid of this anger!!

Saturday 26 September 2015

It's Exam Season... AGAIN.

Exam season has begun. The season every student fears; dreads to be more specific. This is a season that comes once in winter, twice in the monsoon and a little before summer. A season not liked by many, I really pity the exam season.
Geographically, the exam season is characterised by depressions in a person's mood and character. The climate in this season, no matter how hot or cold, feels terribly suffocating. Sleepless nights, deviations from the expected weather and acute pressure that gets extremely irritating are few of the many things that lead to students dreading this season.
Keeping 'geographical' details apart, let me come back to what the exam season actually is. Believed to be one most the most important seasons of a student's life, the exam season is something that gets on a person's nerves. It's nothing as dreadful as it seems, believe me. But what actually makes it so dreadful is this.
A student might have gathered concentration with like so much of difficulty, but all of the sudden, the human ear perceives a sound-
Phone: "Ping!!"
Me: Yay!! A notification!! Has someone pinged me?? No? Okay, let me take selfies!!!
And there the phone, and the crazy obsession for selfies, deprives the student of just a few hours of his/her time. After this, the student again musters some interest back into the portion, when the brain calls out-
Brain: Why do we exist on the earth??
Computer: Come, Google that on me; I'm lying idle for like ages!!
So the student goes to Google stuff. It would have started from the existence of humans on earth, but a few hours later, the computer screen would have an amazing video being played on it.
Then the child comes back to the black and white text of his/her textbook-
Book: The Electro Magnetic Spectrum is. . . .  Hey, are you awake?? Hmm... You're asleep. All your hardwork from 8am to 6pm? Void.

Bam!! Ever thought that monsoon, with the winds and storms and tornadoes, was the worst of all the seasons?? Think again- there's this Exam Season- with things worse than monsters and giant spiders!!

Thursday 17 September 2015

Where Is The World??

Where is the world?? In a vast area of vacuum?? Third in line from the Sun?? Somewhere in the Milky Way?? To be honest, this question is among the many disturbing ones that keep fidgeting with the mind- and the result? Hopeless.
In one of my earlier blog posts, I have described my dream destination. To me, that is the world. Somewhere where you don't have to actually wonder what a true life means. Somewhere where you don't actually need to search for someone who brings in a colour into your life. To me, the world is there where true emotions needn't be hidden.
Anyway. Let me stop repeating what you might've already heard from me. Many a times, in fact always, I see and hear about people going in search of peace. The Buddha went in search of peace, and so did our beloved PM Modi. What does that show about the 'peaceful' world we live in? I define the world as a place where nobody goes in search of their identity, or friends or peace. As a matter of fact, the world I live in has nothing what I actually expected from it. Be it on social lines, or in terms of my education- there is so much of stress! Instead of limiting this entire thing to myself, let me give you some work. When was the last time you actually did not regret your existence on earth? Here's where I shall question you- Where on earth is the world? Honestly, this is the very reason I'm so mad about Narnia.
But where on earth is the real world? Where will you and I find a place fit for living? Will there ever exist such a place where there is a bit of humanity? The ongoing Syrian crisis- the little boy Aylan- will there be ever an end to this ruthlessness? Will the world we expect ever become a reality?
The answer, my friend, lies in your very hands. You can be the first step towards making this world an epitome of epitomes. I know there are going to be quite many people reading this post, so I can really hope for thousands of first steps towards making this world paradise.
Before I bid adieu, I would like to place before you readers a tiny request- the comment section of this blog has been idle since a long time.Please put in your views- regarding this blog or any of your opinions or what you want me to write on next or anything in this world- in the section provided below. Please, cuz' that could also make the world a better place- How? That depends on your imagination (winks) and this whole blogging business more fun!!!

Friday 4 September 2015

Happy Teacher's Day!!

My life was strange, dull and void,
I never really knew when life took a stride,
When I came to this world, with angels of gold,
Whom I later started to know as a teacher.

Starting off with this little quatrain that popped into my mind, I would like to express my gratitude to every single teacher who has borne me over the years. If I had to name every single teacher I'm indebted to, believe me, my list would never end. At every point of my life, I have sought the advice of a teacher. In fact, if I am able to write this blog today, the entire credit would go to my teachers. If I happen to enjoy Math and Science inspite of finding them boring (no offence), I'd credit this enjoyment to my teachers. Computers are interesting because of the fun guidance of my teachers. Well, if you name anything I love, I would credit my interest to my teacher.

Dear Teacher, you have given me every single thing I have ever wanted in my life- from opportunities to debate to chances of meeting novelists- I have been able to fulfil so many of my desires only because of what you have done for me. You have spent endless hours or tiring work, all for me. In return, I would really hope our relationship stays as strong as it was when we first met. Although I'm very far, I really wish I shall stay as close to your heart as I ever was.

Happy Teachers Day To You Ma'am!!! :D

-- Harini MS 

Thursday 20 August 2015

An Interview

Okay, so lemme welcome you all to an interview between two irritatingly sweet people- Mr.Mind and Mr.Heart:

"Hello, there!! It's wonderful to have you with us. Well, Masters of the Body, I want to know what is better- emotions or logic. Your contradicting thoughts leave me confused!"
Mind: "Why, hello there! If you think I'm the one who always confuses you, talk to Mr.Heart- he's the one that makes you think that way."
Heart: "Oh really? If you didn't know why you make me fight with ya', it's mainly because you don't care for anyone's emotions, which I do."
Mind: "For your kind information, Mr.Heart,  in this world, your emotions hold no value at all. Practical thinking is what this world expects. I mean, you can never obtain success in your work if you think of these stupid emotions!"
Heart: "Believe me, practical thinking may be important, but it is because of your so called logical thinking that young teenagers fall into depression."
Mind: "That's not my problem, you see. It's not my mistake that teenagers listen to me and not to you! Hey, wait, are you getting jealous? LOL!"
Heart: "SHUT UP, will you? No matter what anyone says, emotions are the things that hold this world together."
Mind: "And if it is so, you also better remember that logic is what has brought the society to the situation where people are living a luxurious life- you want comforts, don't ya'? It is because of me that you people are living in luxury- not because of your stupid emotions."

And now, the brain enters:

Brain: "Oh hello, stop bugging me. Just focus on what your duties are, instead of arguing over such a stupid matter. You're confusing me even more!"

And then Mr.Mind and Mr.Heart went out of the interview hall, leaving us all the more confused.

Friday 7 August 2015

Joyous Sorrow

Hey there! So this time I'm here with a poem. This one's about the journey from depression to joy, and yes, it also marks my return to writing poems after a long break. It's called "Joyous Sorrow" (reason being depression is sorrowful and is also the path to a joyous future). Hope you like it!! :D

As the day goes down, and darkness fills the sky,
There's a sad sort of wailing, in my heart, dunno why;
People tell me "chill", and I know that I will,
After all, this is not going to kill-
I crushed my pillow, hugged my teddy tight,
Let me ask you this- have you ever seen this sight?
Where there are floods in a bed, and sorrow in your head,
And life just seems so dead...
My heart questioned why, my mind said die,
My conscience said all this was fie,
But feelings said no, you must and should go,
Get up and stop this ado.
"Okay", said I, I was all ready to fly-
To fly, into the sky,
And now, here I am, to begin again,
This life, as fresh as thine.

Saturday 11 July 2015

Are We Doing The Right Thing?

Hey, human! How's life? - That's like a question you come across every single day. Now, let me ask you a question- Hey, human! What right thing did you do?- Answer this question. Not easy, is it? Well, so that's what this blog is about.

You might keep a record of who helped you and how many times, don't you? But do you ever keep a record of how many times you have helped someone? Forget counting, do you even remember the last time you helped someone? By helping, I don't mean something like lending your pencil or something of that sort, but instead I mean something like giving the needy shelter, or giving a lone pup a loving home. That time wasn't somewhere in the recent past, was it?

Well, that is exactly how today's world is. We expect others to help us when we're in need, but in reality, we just turn a cold shoulder to others. As the most superior species in this huge world, are we doing the right thing? Are we actually ignoring the caste system and treating the poor as one among us? Are we whole-heartedly feeding the poor or doing it just out of sympathy? Are we truly working to make our society free of the Devils that exist among us? Are we really making efforts to establish ourselves as good persons and not just 'people with degrees and reputation'?

The harsh truth is, NO! We aren't doing anything right! We use social media as a means of entertainment, and not a medium for social service. In my opinion, when it is called 'social' media, it should be used for social service along with 'socialising' with our friends. Considering today's world, the population of people reading their feeds on social networks is over thousands times more than those who feed their brains through newspapers. Talking of social media, I have noticed that people think they're 'great' if they 'like' or 'share' any sort of 'like and share to donate ___' types of posts. Even in such cases, we do this ONLY for humans. Have you ever thought of those creatures who cannot speak? Has your social media ever talked about animals in the same way they talk about humans? NO.

It's high time we think of a change! Forget thinking, BRING a change! Let's see- Question yourselves every day- Am I doing the right thing? Believe me, that's going to definitely change this world, provided everyone not only thinks of it, but even thinks of executing it!! Come on, let's do the right thing!!

Friday 3 July 2015

Are you a leader?

"I thank everyone for choosing me as their leader"

Before you start probing on who said that quote, let me tell you- it was framed by no one. Just a random thing I picked up from a corner of my brain. So yea, let me start directly with what I want to ask you- Who, according to you, is a leader? defines the word 'leader' as 'a person or thing that leads' or 'a guiding or directing head, as of an army, movement, or political group'. In simpler terms, a leader is the one who leads you. A leader is someone who represents you. A leader is someone who knows how to be a leader, isn't it? In today's world, leaders are being chosen by power, money and recognition. But did you know, that there's a leader inside YOU? This might seem like a dumb question, but think about it. Do you think you have all the stuff that make a leader?

In my opinion, a leader isn't one who is capable to lead; a leader is in fact one who knows how to present himself. As you might've read in one of my previous blogs, I'm a huge fan of Narnia. In the second part of the film series, Aslan says that Prince Caspian is fit to be the Narnian king since he knows that he is 'not ready for the responsibility'. Believe me, that's who a true leader is. Leaders shouldn't be chosen by outward appearances. Appearances are 'bred in the eye'. You may think someone who looks smart can be a leader, but did you know, that a leader is much more than that.

A leader is someone who's simple. A leader is someone who is compassionate. A leader is someone who knows how to differentiate between his responsibilities and his duties. To be a leader, one needs to have not leadership qualities, but just a dignified personality. Personality works wonders. To make a leader, the most important ingredients would be compassion and recognition. Recognising one's duties is like the most major thing a leader needs. Any leader needn't be someone who scores 100% in their academics. Even a failure can become a leader, as long as he has the guts and a dignified spirit. 

But remember one thing. Being a leader isn't as simple as it seems. Being a leader requires you to have control over yourselves. One wrong action, and all your reputation goes in vain. The huge number of responsibilities may confound you, beware! A leader doesn't just assume office by getting elected or nominated, but he assumes office after a lot of expectations get placed in front of him. Any leader may be from a terrible background, but may prove to be the best of his kind. After all, the old saying goes, 'NEVER judge a book by its cover'.

So now, think again. Do you really have what it takes to be a leader in you? Do you really think being a leader is as easy as it seems? Celebrating an entire year of being the Blue House Captain of my school, here's Harini, signing off this blog. Feedback expected!! 

Thursday 2 July 2015

To All The 'People'

This is to all the 'people' out there.

You're a human being. You are the most superior being in the universe. You are the most developed organism on this earth. You have introduced all complicated laws and theories and conclusions and solutions. You have been accepted universally as the most dominant species of this universe. And it's high time we all started acting like an intelligent species of life.

Advancements in science and technology may have helped the Homo sapiens in some or the other way. But believe me, the very same thing that gave us so many benefits have made us forget our true aim. There's so less peace in this world. There's more competition and pressure than peace and joy. We've forgotten how to live a life. Everyday a person starves, and a child cries on the streets because of hunger, but who cares? No time for such stupid things, is there? All that there's time for is 'logical explanations'. Children aren't allowed to talk innocently, because their parents want them to be 'civilised'. Oh, come on! It's their childhood! As a child, I wasn't ever stopped from talking stupid stuff!!

Just this morning, my classmate and I and working on her speech on Moral Values. This thought struck me then- we expect respect, don't we? But always, we forget to give respect. We ignore this, every time. We might be the most respected person in the world, but we don't give the slightest respect to our neighbours. Doesn't mean that just because a man begs on the streets, or sells tickets for a living, he's not deserving of respect!!

 Every one of us mix our professional life with our personal life- if you're a student, we mix our school life with our personal life. Any tension outside home? Show it on the innocent beings at your home. Kick the innocent street dogs. Throw everything you find in your room. I mean, what's their mistake, man? Dumbos!

And and- not forgetting this main point- we are so engrossed in our own selves that we always fail to realise what others expect from us. We are so selfish that we take more and give less- take more respect, and give not even half of it. In my opinion, such people do NOT deserve even the slightest amount of respect. Respect is kind of a 'give and take policy'. Give respect, take respect. So, you 'superior' beings, think again. Do you really think you are acting the way you're supposed to? 

This may be the simplest of all my blogs until now, but I don't care. I found this to be something the whole world lacks, and that's why I chose to write a simple blog on it. Any comments? The comments section is below!! 

Thursday 26 March 2015

Ooooo!! Narnia!!

So FINALLY!! I'm back to blogging, just because the vacations have begun.
Hey! Have you seen The Chronicles Of Narnia? No? You're probably missing the BEST series of films. I've become so hooked to this movie series, that I've started dreaming about it. Seriously, I've dreamt about going to Narnia like a hundred times, and I love those dreams so much that I end up continuing them in this tiny brain of mine for months together!!! Of late, I've started getting this impossible feeling of just getting away from all the stresses of my books and this world, and just spend some time at Narnia. By 'some time', I mean, an entire Narnian century or something, without even losing a single second in the real world.
Wish it was that easy!! I really hope that one day, someone, I don't care even if it's me, manufactures this wardrobe that takes you to Narnia. Forget manufacturing, I just wish MY wardrobe gets possessed by some sort of a magic, which will take me to Narnia the next time I open it. Sometimes, I seriously wish that I get the power to just chuck all these stupid and disturbing thoughts from my head, go to Narnia, meet Aslan, learn some sword-fighting, and come back with a peaceful mind!! This world has a lot of troubles- natural and man-made- that seriously irritates me to the core. Narnia would be the perfect place to seek peace in such situations.
You know what, Narnia has now occupied such a special place in my heart, that whenever I see something unusual or new, like a spark from in between the bushes, the first thought that comes to my mind is, "Narnia is calling me!" But alas! Little do my poor thoughts know that Narnia doesn't really exist! But still, I never lose that dream. Whenever I get such a thought, the only thing that I console myself with is the Professor's last dialogue in the first film of the series, when Lucy peeps into the wardrobe to see if Narnia was still there- "Narnia won't be there when you seek it, my child! It comes when you least expect it!"
One of my previous posts talked about the dream destination. Yes, know I really know where my dream destination is!! If you guessed it, you guessed it right!! Narnia!!!

Hey there, reader! You might have such a special place you'd like to visit!! Feel free to share it in the comments!!

Saturday 24 January 2015

Kingdom Animalia- the most loyal earthlings

Animal- what does this six letter word mean to you? The dictionary defines this word as "any member of the kingdom Animalia, comprising multicellular organisms that have a well defined shape and usually limited growth, can move voluntarily, actively acquire food and digest it internally, and have sensors and nervous systems that allow them to respond rapidly to stimuli."Too huge a definition for this tiny word, right? Well, let me make it simpler for you. According to me, an animal is another being in this universe, just one step below the Homo sapiens in terms of superiority, but several steps higher than the same in terms of loyalty.
I really don't know how, or when this craze came upon me, but for me, animals are far more important than any of my human friends. This might sound a little rude to my friends, but by "any of my human friends", I do not refer to every one of them, but only to a restricted many. For me, animals are my life-they're my soul. Every time I see any animal, especially those with these cute little questioning eyes, as if they're questioning me- "Why you be ignoring us? Come, come Harini, play with us! We won't  hurt you!"- some unknown indescribable force overpowers my conscience. No matter even if that animal be a tiger, I feel like rushing towards it and hug it, play with it. But many a times, I find that the fiend inside of me stops me from spreading this tiny feeling of equality among these tiny beings of the earth. And that 'fiend' usually turns out to be the effect of the thoughts of the strangers around me.
But my question is- Why? Why do we ignore these tiny little beings? Why do we deprive them of their right to live as one amongst us? Why? Why is there so much of a commotion against them when we don't even try to know why they come close to us, or why they look at us with those anime eyes? Forget about tigers, or any other animal in the wild. Even the dogs, the cats- any animal in the streets- even pet animals are given a treatment no less than slaves. If there are a hundred people owning pets, I believe that only about fifteen among them treat their pets as one among their family. I've witnessed a number of such incidents and seen so many such videos where people abandon their pets and leave them to rot in between the streets, When pets are treated like this, there is no doubt that animals in the wild are being given such horrible treatment. No wonder why they fear us; no wonder why they attack us.
We many times roam around searching for true friends, without realising that our true friends are here, right next to us- on the streets, behind thick foliage, hiding in the dark. Homo sapiens might betray you, but these creatures- our brothers and sisters- can never ever betray anyone. Might be they want to, but even if they do, I believe that they want to give you an infinite number of chances before they cause you any harm. Animals- the most agreeable friends- this one is for them!!

I'd end this writing with a quote by an anonymous animal-lover- "Animals are such agreeable friends- they ask no questions, they pass no criticisms."

Thursday 22 January 2015

A memory.. Or a legacy??

Friends- the only flowers in the garden of life without a single thorn.
How many friends do you have? Ten? Twenty? A Hundred? Well, I've got just a handful of friends, about twenty, but they are equivalent to a thousand. Yea, a thousand. I'm not joking, seriously! And apart from my friends, I've also got so many people around me, whom I rarely talk to. But those people also come under my friends' circle, but in a more virtual manner. This blog might not be as satisfying as my other blogs, but I found that this was the best way I could highlight their contributions for making me who I am today, and that's why this is about those tiny flowers of my life.
Okay, so now about my companions. They're a rather raucous batch, with a brain, just like other people. But the only difference in their 'brain' is that it is crazier and more accustomed to a playful life, with no seriousness at all! Of course they are serious, but their seriousness is usually limited to only exams. They consist of humans- girls and boys- and dogs and cats. Even these animals come in my list because they're so agreeable. I wouldn't go in depth about my animal friends now, maybe later!! But a few of my Homo Sapien friends are so close to me that they're now an integral part of my life. Without them, my day- my life would be incomplete!!
These brats have contributed so much in making me what I am today. If I'm naughty, it's because of my sweet little 'thigmotropic' friend. She never really cared about me troubling her, pulling her hair, or call her by any name! If I'm really talkative, it's all because of the 'new girl' in my sixth standard class. If I'm confident, it's because of my high school bench-mates. If I'm a pretty good chatter, it's all because of my hangouts with a Really good classmate. My besties have contributed in making me very supportive and caring in nature. Yea, I'm stubborn as well, but my friends have adjusted to it so much that they don't even give me chances to show my stubbornness!! Yea, if there were ever such moments, they made sure everyone was happy and we finally ended up sorting out the matter as a team. My team-building skills have received nourishment from these flowers. Time flew, but these flowers never dried up.
I've also had a number of people to whom I rarely talked to, but they also have helped me become who I am today. Out of my 30-40 classmates, I would have regularly talked to only 10 or 20 people. But the rest of my classmates were nevertheless ignorant towards me. I still remember my first debate in front of the most raucous class of the floor. I was pretty nervous. I would freak out at the thought of having to speak in front of a highly distracted class. But when I stood up and walked to the front of the class, I was overwhelmed at the response I received. A class that couldn't be controlled by even the principal was so silent!! From the beginning of my speech, till the end of 3 minutes, I received so much encouragement and when I completed my speech, I received a huge round of applause. That was probably the best experience I've ever had with my friends- both close and not-so-close.
I know this blog might have sounded too formal or something like that, but I discovered that this would be the best way for me to speak my mind. I know friends aren't supposed to thank each other, but still. For all the people who have helped me become who I am today, THANK YOU!!